Faculty of Business Law
Cập nhật lúc 9:16, 27/02/2023 (GMT+7)

1. Introduction

The Faculty of Business Law (previously the Department of Economic Law and Labor Law) was established since the separation of the University of Social Sciences and Humanities from the University of Hanoi in 1995 [1]. The development of the Faculty comes with the development of the University of Law over the years, from the previous time being under the University of Hanoi and the University of Social Sciences and Humanities to being the current University of Law under the Vietnam National University, Hanoi today.

The Faculty of Business Law has the function of teaching and research in the field of private law, mainly in commercial law, labor law, finance law, banking law, law on land and environment, law on social security, competition law, company law.

The Faculty of Business Law currently has 16 permanent lecturers, including: 02 A.Prof.; 05 Dr.; 04 Master’s graduate students, 02 of which are pursuing a PhD degree in Vietnam and the other 02 are pursuing a PhD degree abroad; 03 Master’s graduates; 01 Master’s student; and 01 Faculty assistant. In addition, the Faculty of Business Law also has more than 30 lecturers who are regular collaborators currently working at local legal education institutions, research institutes and state agencies. The Faculty of Business Law gathers experienced lecturers, scientists with high professional qualifications and reputation in teaching and scientific research.

Regarding education activities, aside from the Bachelor’s program in Legal Studies, Faculty of Business Law is also in charge of the Bachelor’s program in Business Law. The Faculty is currently responsible for the Master's and PhD degree programs in Economic Law. The Faculty is also currently initiating and developing new projects to open more a Master’s degree program in Economic Law (Applied).

Regarding scientific research achievements, the Faculty lecturers have successfully defended numerous scientific research projects at different levels such as ministerial level, key level, Vietnam National University level, University of Law level, provincial level, etc. In addition, the Faculty lecturers have published many monographs, reference books, and scientific papers published in specialized local and international legal journals. Today, the Faculty of Business Law has accumulated a relatively complete collection of textbooks for all academic programs of the University. In addition, many monographs drafted collectively by the Faculty or individually by the Faculty lecturers have been widely used in teaching and research at numerous educational institutions in Vietnam.

The Faculty of Business Law is one of the core units of the University with lecturers that have strong political ideologies and exceptional expertise. The Faculty is known for being a united, hospitable and dynamic unit. The Faculty lecturers have always successfully completed all teaching and scientific research missions assigned by the University of Law and Vietnam National University, Hanoi. Since its establishment, the Faculty has regularly awarded the title of "Progressive Labor Collective"; "Excellent Labor Collective" and received the Certificate of Merit by the Director of Vietnam National University, Hanoi. Many lecturers of the Faculty have been awarded for their excellence and contributions, and received certificates of merit from the President of Hanoi National University for many years.

2.      Subjects

*Undergraduate programs

The Faculty is in charge of 02 Bachelor degree programs in Legal Studies and Business Law.

For the Bachelor’s degree program in Legal Studies, the Faculty is in charge of subjects that provide theoretical and practical knowledge in business law, including: Commercial Law 1; Commercial Law 2; Labor Law; Finance Law; Banking Law, Law on Land and Environment; Competition Law, Securities Law; Legal Consultancy Skills.

For the Bachelor’s degree program in Business Law, the Faculty is in charge of subjects that provide theoretical and practical knowledge and skills in business law, including: Commercial Law 1; Commercial Law 2; Labor Law; Finance Law; Banking Law; Land Law; Environment Law; Social Security Law; Real Estate Law; Contracts of Sale; Corporate Governance; Corporate Finance Law; International Environment Law; Securities Law; Competition Law; Legal Consultancy Skills; Accounting and Finance Consultancy Skills; Labor Dispute and Strike Resolution Skills; Land Dispute Resolution Skills; Credit Contract Dispute Resolution Skills; Environmental Impact Assessment Law; Deposit Insurance Law.

*Graduate programs

The Faculty is in charge of subjects that provide in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge in legal environment for economic activities, including matters related to the sciences of commercial law, labor law, finance and banking law, land and environment law. Those subjects are comprised of compulsory and voluntary subjects such as Legal Environment of Business; Traders and Acts of Commerce; Labor Relations Law; Social Insurance Law; Legal Regime on the Right to Use Land in Vietnam; Legal Issues on Sustainable Development and Green Growth; Banking Credit Law; Tax Law; Law on Business and Commercial Dispute Resolution; Legal Issues in Corporate Finance; Law on Issuance and Sale of Securities; Worker Protection Law; Real Estate Law; Business Assets Law; Global Unification of Contract Law; Law on Labor Dispute and Strike; Law on Land and Environmental Dispute Resolution; Comparative Business Organization Law; Construction of Legal Environment of Business in Vietnam; Legal Regulation of Contracts in Business Fields (Finance – Banking, Land – Environment, Labor and Business Organization); Finance and Banking Law in Economic Crisis Time; Green Growth Law; Labor Market Regulation; Comparative Regulations for Traders.

3. Main research areas

Aside from research and education activities, the Faculty’s professional activities aim to provide students with fundamental legal knowledge, theoretical and practical knowledge of business law so that they have the knowledge and skills in detecting and solving problems related to business law, thereby having the capacity to research, consult, evaluate and participate in the process of policymaking, developing and implementing legal policies in practice. The Faculty of Business Law is a collective of scientists who study various areas of private law, therefore the Faculty’s research results have valuable and practical significance, enrich the theoretical research on Vietnamese business, which contributes to the development of Vietnam, the judicial reform and construction of a socialist state that espouses for a rule-of-law in Vietnam towards the goal of a strong, prosperous, equitable, democratic and civilized society.

The Faculty’s main research areas are:

-  Theoretical foundation for the legal environment of business.

-  Legal reform to improve the legal environment of business to meet the requirement of market economy development and international integration.

-  Study business law implementation skills.

4. Main research teams of the Faculty

Team 1:

Name: Legal Reform and Social Management Research Team.

Team leaders: A/Prof. Ngo Huy Cuong & A/Prof. Le Thi Hoai Thu

Research direction: Legal reform and construction of a suitable social management model in Vietnam today.

Team 2:

Name: Finance and Banking Law Reform for Sustainable Development Research Team.

Team leaders: A/Prof. Le Thi Thu Thuy & Dr. Nguyen Thi Lan Huong.

Research direction: Improving finance and banking law to meet the requirement of international integration and sustainable development.


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